
The Message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the 4th World Shiology Forum

On October 10, 2023, the 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Haikou, China, gathering together politicians, experts and scholars from 43 countries to discuss the challenges faced by human beings in the process of food acquisition and utilization, and seek practical and holistic solutions....

The Star-studded 4th World Shiology Forum

The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan Province on October 10-12. More than 300 people, including scholars from 43 countries, ambassadors from 11 countries, two former Under-secretaries-general of the United Nations...

The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan

Discussion on the systematic governance of “eat+food” issues in sustainable development-The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan

Gather Global Wisdom Seek Sustainable Development of Human “Eat+Food” Issues

The 4th World Shiology Forum will be held at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center on October 10-12.

The Deputy Minister of Health of Turkey Attended the Turkey Forum of the 3rd World Eatology Forum

The World Eatology Forum virtually held a branch forum Eatology: Holistically Solve Food Issues with a Multidisciplinary Approach as its annual meeting in corporation with Istanbul Medipol University December 18-19, 2020. Last year, the World Eatology Forum had its annual meeting endorsed by the 2019 G20 Osaka summit to take place in Japan as the summit’s official side event. This is allegedly a milestone for this Beijing-based NGO having been focusing its efforts on researching and addressing global food issues with the application of eatology, an emerging science initiated by the founder of the WEF Guangwei Liu.

Dr QU Dongyu, Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), delivered a speech at 2020 G20 Leaders' Summit

On November 22, 2020, Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, attended the G20 Leaders Summit by video and delivered a speech with the theme of "Building an Inclusive, Sustainable, and Resilient Future". The full text of the speech is as follows:

Celebration of World Food Safety Day

The second World Food Safety Day (WFSD) will be celebrated on 7 June 2020 to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development.

The United Nations Acknowledges the Initiative of the “Construction of a SEB Food Order Platform”

On December 17, 2019, in Conference Room 9, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, an expert group meeting (EGM) launched by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) was taking place. The EGM, attended by over 30 digital experts across the globe, was organized to address the question of how to address emerging requirements and challenges for policy and decision-making in digital transformation in developing countries.

Liu Guangwei Attended the Improving Resource Efficiency and Reducing Food Loss and Waste Conference, Introducing the 7 Types of Human Food Waste

On Nov.26, 2019, co-hosted by the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing and the World Resources Institute, the Improving Resource Efficiency and Reducing Food Loss and Waste Conference was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Liu Guangwei, founder of eatology, director-general of World Eatology Forum, attended the conference and delivered a speech whose topic is Global Integral Governance of Food Waste.

Liu GuangWei Met with Former Polish President Komorowski in Beijing

On Nov. 17 2019, the founder of the World Eatology Forum(WEF)Mr. Liu Guang Wei met with former Polish president Komorowski in Beijing.

産経新聞:G20の各国を代表する一流の料理人・食の専門家が淡路島に結集『第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会~』閉幕 各国シェフの頂点が決定! SDGs淡路島宣言を発表

株式会社パソナグループは、中国で最大級の食学院の運営を通じて、中国国内外のレストランのサービス向上・人材育成等を行う北京東方美食研究院と共同で、G20の各国を代表する一流の料理人・食の専門家が結集する、外務省より承認されたG20大阪サミット2019応援プログラム『第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会~』を、6月24日(月)、25日(火)、26日(水)に兵庫県淡路島で開催いたしました。

日本农业新闻:近畿の“食”世界へ G20に合わせイベント コンビニは新商品


6/28(金) 10:12配信
India's food for thought in Japan

Hyderabad-based Sharmila Nisudan, Education Project Director at VM Technologies, represented India as she spoke about Sustainable Development Goals and Food systems at the ongoing G20 Summit initiative, the third World Eatology Forum at Awaji Islands, Japan. Being held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit, World Eatology Forum and the first World King of Chefs Summit, a culinary competition at Awaji Islands focuses and sustainable development goals and resolving food production, utilisation issues and the looming food security problem in the world.

Rajeshwari Kalyanam
YAHOO JAPAN:【特集】G20前に...世界一のシェフは?「ワールドシェフ王サミット」淡路島で開催


6/27(木) 14:14配信

20カ国・地域首脳会議(G20大阪サミット)を今週末に控え、各国の有力シェフ20人が料理の腕を競う「ワールドシェフ王サミット」が25日、兵庫県淡路島で始まった。国連が掲げる持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)と食に関するシンポジウムも開催し、G20サミットを盛り上げる。  同日はG20議長国の日本をはじめ、各国の腕自慢が淡路島の食材を使った自国料理で、おいしさや盛り付けの美しさなどを競った。閉幕する26日には決勝戦に勝ち残った4人の中から優勝者を決める。

神户新闻(日本):世界の食考えるサミット開幕 各国専門家ら淡路に


2019/6/24 23:54神戸新聞NEXT
Japan Welcomes G20 Delegations,US,China Residences Apart

Nine Japanese cities welcomed Wednesday the ministerial meetings of the G20 summit, ahead of the meetings of the presidents and heads of state.

June 26,2019 Sada El balad English(SEE)
Pasona Organizes SDG, Food Forum This event had three themes: “food”, “health”, and “regional revitalization”

Pasona group and Easteat Culture Industry group organized the Sustainable Development and Food Forum (SDGs) for contributing to the realization of a globally prospering sustainable society.

by Ibrahim Eldeeb 8:25 AM June 25, 2019
朝日新闻 (The Asahi Shimbun):「食のG20」淡路島で開催 各国シェフが腕競う


日刊スポーツ:日本食を世界に発信 淡路島でシェフ王サミット開催

東京オリンピック(五輪)・パラリンピックのオフィシャルサポーター契約を結んでいる株式会社パソナグループは28日、東京・千代田区の本社で記者会見を開き、6月28日・29日に開かれるG20大阪サミット2019の応援プログラム「第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会(6月25日、26日)」を兵庫・淡路島で開催することを発表した。



日刊スポーツ:日本食を世界に発信 淡路島でシェフ王サミット開催

東京オリンピック(五輪)・パラリンピックのオフィシャルサポーター契約を結んでいる株式会社パソナグループは28日、東京・千代田区の本社で記者会見を開き、6月28日・29日に開かれるG20大阪サミット2019の応援プログラム「第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会(6月25日、26日)」を兵庫・淡路島で開催することを発表した。

朝日新闻 (The Asahi Shimbun):「食のG20」淡路島で開催 各国シェフが腕競う


Pasona Organizes SDG, Food Forum This event had three themes: “food”, “health”, and “regional revitalization”

Pasona group and Easteat Culture Industry group organized the Sustainable Development and Food Forum (SDGs) for contributing to the realization of a globally prospering sustainable society.

by Ibrahim Eldeeb 8:25 AM June 25, 2019

For media: The Secretariat of the World Shiology Forum

Contact person: Mr Zhang



The Star-studded 4th World Shiology Forum

The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan Province on October 10-12. More than 300 people, including scholars from 43 countries, ambassadors from 11 countries, two former Under-secretaries-general of the United Nations...

The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan

Discussion on the systematic governance of “eat+food” issues in sustainable development-The 4th World Shiology Forum was held in Hainan

The Deputy Minister of Health of Turkey Attended the Turkey Forum of the 3rd World Eatology Forum

The World Eatology Forum virtually held a branch forum Eatology: Holistically Solve Food Issues with a Multidisciplinary Approach as its annual meeting in corporation with Istanbul Medipol University December 18-19, 2020. Last year, the World Eatology Forum had its annual meeting endorsed by the 2019 G20 Osaka summit to take place in Japan as the summit’s official side event. This is allegedly a milestone for this Beijing-based NGO having been focusing its efforts on researching and addressing global food issues with the application of eatology, an emerging science initiated by the founder of the WEF Guangwei Liu.

Celebration of World Food Safety Day

The second World Food Safety Day (WFSD) will be celebrated on 7 June 2020 to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development.

The United Nations Acknowledges the Initiative of the “Construction of a SEB Food Order Platform”

On December 17, 2019, in Conference Room 9, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, an expert group meeting (EGM) launched by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) was taking place. The EGM, attended by over 30 digital experts across the globe, was organized to address the question of how to address emerging requirements and challenges for policy and decision-making in digital transformation in developing countries.

Liu Guangwei Attended the Improving Resource Efficiency and Reducing Food Loss and Waste Conference, Introducing the 7 Types of Human Food Waste

On Nov.26, 2019, co-hosted by the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing and the World Resources Institute, the Improving Resource Efficiency and Reducing Food Loss and Waste Conference was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Liu Guangwei, founder of eatology, director-general of World Eatology Forum, attended the conference and delivered a speech whose topic is Global Integral Governance of Food Waste.

Liu GuangWei Met with Former Polish President Komorowski in Beijing

On Nov. 17 2019, the founder of the World Eatology Forum(WEF)Mr. Liu Guang Wei met with former Polish president Komorowski in Beijing.

産経新聞:G20の各国を代表する一流の料理人・食の専門家が淡路島に結集『第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会~』閉幕 各国シェフの頂点が決定! SDGs淡路島宣言を発表

株式会社パソナグループは、中国で最大級の食学院の運営を通じて、中国国内外のレストランのサービス向上・人材育成等を行う北京東方美食研究院と共同で、G20の各国を代表する一流の料理人・食の専門家が結集する、外務省より承認されたG20大阪サミット2019応援プログラム『第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会~』を、6月24日(月)、25日(火)、26日(水)に兵庫県淡路島で開催いたしました。

日本农业新闻:近畿の“食”世界へ G20に合わせイベント コンビニは新商品


6/28(金) 10:12配信
India's food for thought in Japan

Hyderabad-based Sharmila Nisudan, Education Project Director at VM Technologies, represented India as she spoke about Sustainable Development Goals and Food systems at the ongoing G20 Summit initiative, the third World Eatology Forum at Awaji Islands, Japan. Being held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit, World Eatology Forum and the first World King of Chefs Summit, a culinary competition at Awaji Islands focuses and sustainable development goals and resolving food production, utilisation issues and the looming food security problem in the world.

Rajeshwari Kalyanam
YAHOO JAPAN:【特集】G20前に...世界一のシェフは?「ワールドシェフ王サミット」淡路島で開催


6/27(木) 14:14配信

20カ国・地域首脳会議(G20大阪サミット)を今週末に控え、各国の有力シェフ20人が料理の腕を競う「ワールドシェフ王サミット」が25日、兵庫県淡路島で始まった。国連が掲げる持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)と食に関するシンポジウムも開催し、G20サミットを盛り上げる。  同日はG20議長国の日本をはじめ、各国の腕自慢が淡路島の食材を使った自国料理で、おいしさや盛り付けの美しさなどを競った。閉幕する26日には決勝戦に勝ち残った4人の中から優勝者を決める。

神户新闻(日本):世界の食考えるサミット開幕 各国専門家ら淡路に


2019/6/24 23:54神戸新聞NEXT
Japan Welcomes G20 Delegations,US,China Residences Apart

Nine Japanese cities welcomed Wednesday the ministerial meetings of the G20 summit, ahead of the meetings of the presidents and heads of state.

June 26,2019 Sada El balad English(SEE)
Pasona Organizes SDG, Food Forum This event had three themes: “food”, “health”, and “regional revitalization”

Pasona group and Easteat Culture Industry group organized the Sustainable Development and Food Forum (SDGs) for contributing to the realization of a globally prospering sustainable society.

by Ibrahim Eldeeb 8:25 AM June 25, 2019
朝日新闻 (The Asahi Shimbun):「食のG20」淡路島で開催 各国シェフが腕競う


日刊スポーツ:日本食を世界に発信 淡路島でシェフ王サミット開催

東京オリンピック(五輪)・パラリンピックのオフィシャルサポーター契約を結んでいる株式会社パソナグループは28日、東京・千代田区の本社で記者会見を開き、6月28日・29日に開かれるG20大阪サミット2019の応援プログラム「第1回ワールドシェフ王サミット ~第9回世界美食大会(6月25日、26日)」を兵庫・淡路島で開催することを発表した。


For media: The Secretariat of the World Shiology Forum

Contact person: Mr Zhang

Tel: (0086)18612252828